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Building Scheduling - Layton Legacy Stake

The General Handbook of the Church states that the purposes of our meetinghouses are to (1) make and renew covenants; (2) to meet together; (3) to worship and pray together; (4) to teach and minister to one another; and lastly (5) to participate in other approved activities. 


Church meetings, programs, and activities should always take precedent over the scheduling of church facilities for personal events or activities. Personal events include any activity not sponsored by an official Church organization. The purpose of this document is to clarify how individuals can schedule church facilities in Layton Legacy Stake for personal events or activities and to note the limitations of such scheduling.  


  • Please go to the stake website ( and select the “Buildings” tab at the top of the page. From this page you will need to fill out all the information noted. The stake building scheduler will then make the reservation for you, provided the building is available.  Once scheduled the stake building scheduler will send you an email confirmation.  

  • An adult member of the stake must always be present during the scheduled event or activity. 

  • Private scheduling of the church facilities can only be made up to 3 months in advance to ensure the facilities are available for the scheduling of church activities. 

  • Reserving the building for more than one day in a calendar week will not be allowed. 

  • If the building is available, and an adult member of the stake is present, the space may be used without scheduling provided the use does not interfere with scheduled Church activities.

  • If a church activity has yet to end when the building is scheduled for a private event or activity, please do not pressure the church members to end their activity. Remember that church functions take precedence over private events or activities.

  • Those who use the building for personal events or activities have full responsibility for any damage to the facilities or any injury or liability in connection with such use.

  • Youth should not be unattended within the building. As an example, if the activity includes a group using the cultural hall, all youth should be kept within eye contact.  

  • Users must clean up and fully restore the facilities to pre-use condition.

  • Church property may not be used for commercial purposes.

  • Should you have any questions please reach out to the stake technology representative at

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