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Tuning in to Heavenly Father's Frequency

Andrew Ferguson

President Nelson taught in the April 2005 general conference that, “Now is the time to align our goals with God’s goals. His work and His glory—'to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man'—can become ours…We are to emulate the example of the Lord, to love as He did, to pray as He did, and to endure to the end as He did.”

I love this invitation from President Nelson: Align ourselves with God’s work and plan of salvation.  I also love the instruction that teaches us how: Emulate the life of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  He is the central figure in the plan of salvation.  Everything we do in our journey back to our Father’s presence is intimately connected to him and his atoning sacrifice.  We bring ourselves into alignment with the Father’s plan as we strive to become more like Christ. 


 Alignment and synchronization is something that I deal with often in my line of work.  I work in the video production industry.  Take wireless microphones, for example.  These microphones operate using radio frequencies.  A transmitter sends a radio frequency with sound information to a receiver tuned to that same frequency.  The receiver is then able to decode the sound information and send it where it needs to go.


Sounds easy enough right? What could go wrong?  Well, often times it isn’t quite so simple.  Frequency misalignment and competing radio frequencies can cause problems ranging from interference to a complete loss of connection.  This causes the sound to become unintelligible or non-existent.  To prevent those problems, we work carefully to ensure that the receiver is tuned to the same frequency as the source.  Also, great care is made to clear nearby competing frequencies so that our connection is free of unwanted noise.


We are just like those wireless microphone receivers.  We need to do everything in our power to find Heavenly Father’s signal that he is sending us.  And when we find it, we need to lock onto it with all of our might.  His signal is always there.  And although it is solid and constant, it transmits using a still small voice.  We need to have our spiritual ears carefully tuned in order to receive it. 


Also, just like the wireless microphones, we have competing frequencies that are trying to take over Heavenly Father’s signal to us.  Satan is broadcasting his message of indulgence, selfishness, and apathy at full volume and on every frequency that he can find.  If we are going to be able to hear Heavenly Father’s message that he sends through the whisperings of the spirit, we need to find ways to block out the noise that comes from the devil and his worldly influences. 


Which brings us back to where we started: Jesus Christ.  He is the best noise-cancelling headphones on the market.  As we strive to be like him, as President Nelson teaches, we will be able to block out the noise that comes from the adversary, allowing us to focus solely on our communication with Heavenly Father.


President Nelson teaches us

frequently about the power that comes from our covenant relationship with our Savior.  Making and keeping covenants is the best way for us to be aligned with God and the plan of salvation.  Temples act as signal boosters for His communication to us.  All of the teachings there point us back to the Savior and His role in the plan of salvation.  We need to be spending time there to keep our lives focused on Him.  President Uchtdorf taught, “God’s plan is more than an infographic. It represents our Father’s work to save His children…When we talk about the plan and ordinances and covenants, let us ‘talk of Christ.’” 


Every covenant that we make is centered on Jesus Christ.  He is the only way for us to be truly aligned with our Father’s plan.  As we seek the power of His atonement through daily repentance and emulation of His life, we lock onto Heavenly Father’s signal and open the floodgates for him to bless us, and to communicate with us, and ultimately someday, to welcome us back into His presence.

389 views4 comments


Jul 26, 2024

Great analogy Bro Ferguson. Tuning ourselves to His signal and continually fine tuning is how to best navigate in today's world.


Jul 25, 2024

I love the metaphor on competitive frequencies. Puts it in a great perspective the importance of being in tune. Thanks.


Heather Purser
Heather Purser
Jul 25, 2024

This is such a perfect way to explain this and very relatable! Thank you for sharing this message.


Jul 25, 2024

Whilel my husband and I were on our two missions together that was the only way we were able to accomplish getting things done on our mission. That one thing was to be able to listen to the still small voice that would lead us to accomplishing the task We commented to do.

. Many times the answer came through the spirit immediately and other times we really had to ponder and get down on our knees again so we could hear that spirit tell us what we need to know and how to get it done. Were there adjustments that need to be made? Yes!!. But in the end we knew who was in charge of us getting things…


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