One of the statements from our Prophet Russell M. Nelson that I find myself thinking about regularly is one he made in April 2018 regarding the Holy Ghost. He states:
“But in coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.”
It’s the word “survive” that catches my attention. Antonyms of “survive” are words like “death,” “discontinue,” “cease,” and “disappear.” To me, these words imply an abrupt or traumatic experience. I believe, however, to “not survive spiritually” is a quiet, subtle process that we hardly know is happening until we find ourselves in an unintended spiritual place – or in other words, “spiritual death.”

The adversary is exceptionally good at leading us down a “Primrose Path” but will leave us in the end alone and suffering unwanted and unforeseen consequences. This is why our Prophet also said:
“If we are to have any hope of sifting through the myriad of voices and the philosophies of men that attack truth, we must learn to receive revelation…”
The Holy Ghost is one of the greatest blessings our Heavenly Father can bestow upon his children in mortality. When we are baptized, we qualify for and receive this gift and inasmuch as we are true and faithful, it will be our constant companion. It will keep us safe in a tumultuous world that intends on our spiritual destruction.
There is “spiritual work” that we must do to maintain the influence of this gift. These things are, but not limited to:
Daily Prayer: Stay connected with God through regular prayer.
Scripture Study: Deepen your understanding of God’s will through the scriptures.
Obedience: Follow God’s commandments and live a righteous life.
Temple Attendance: Regular worship in the House of the Lord.
As we do these things, the blessings will follow. These are, but not limited to the following:
Personal Revelation: Guidance tailored to your “spiritual survival.”
Comfort and Peace: Peace, reassurance, and hope during trials.
Discernment: Clarity in making moral and spiritual decisions.
It has been my personal experience that when we don’t do the “small and simple things” that connect us to God and His Son, the influence of the Holy Spirit in our lives diminishes. It is my prayer we will do all that lies within our power to qualify for the full strength and influence of the Holy Ghost. This will allow us to not only “survive spiritually” but to “prosper daily!” I leave these things with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
