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Inviting All to Receive The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Mitch Pendleton

I love to eat. I always have. My eyes get fairly big when we go to a buffet or dinner somewhere and I see so many choices. My wife, Lauri, and I have had the opportunity to travel to a few wonderful places during our marriage. We love to reminisce about these trips and the fun times we had together, hiking, scuba diving, e-bike riding and other activities but always included in our conversations are where we ate, what we ate and, admittedly, how much we ate.  Sometimes we remember the food that we ate even more than the place we visited. 

At restaurants, Lauri and I often will choose different entrées and then share with each other. Or, if we choose a buffet, we will try several different things and then let each other know if we should try “this” or “that” food item. In other words, we love to share what we love. It should be the same with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We love the gospel, and we need to share what we love!

I have spent my entire life working on having a stronger testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I remember entering the Missionary Training Center before going to South Africa and wondering what in the world I was doing. I was very excited, and I had faith I was doing what the Lord wanted me to do, but I had a long way to go in developing my personal testimony. I prayed, exercised faith, and continued to grow and build my love for and testimony of Jesus Christ. As a missionary, and throughout my life, I have learned that sharing the gospel brings peace and hope to the one who is listening and renewal to the one who is testifying.

The scriptures say, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). President Russell M. Nelson said, “Brothers and sisters, the gospel of Jesus Christ has never been needed more than it is today. Contention violates everything the Savior stood for and taught. I love the Lord, Jesus Christ, and testify that His gospel is the only enduring solution for peace. His gospel is a gospel of peace” (April 2022 General Conference).

“Most of us want to share the gospel but find it hard to do so. We can learn about sharing the gospel in normal and natural ways by reviewing Elder Gary E. Stevenson’s message “Love, Share, Invite.” Then read Matthew 7:7 and 3 Nephi 18:20 and ponder how we can ask for the Lord’s help in sharing His gospel with others.

“We invite all to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ for the same reason: the gospel makes our journey through life bright. It answers questions of the soul and gives us perspective, peace, and joy. So, we share it with God’s children because we love them and want all to benefit from His light (see 3 Nephi 18:24)” (Gospel Library Online, Topics and Questions, Inviting All to Receive the Gospel).

Just as we hunger for good food and like to share where the best food can be found, we should hunger for the gospel and for spreading the good word of Christ. Let us share the gospel with faith and confidence! The gospel of Jesus Christ is true and brings hope and peace to the soul. May we be excited about sharing our testimonies and seeing the light of Christ continue to brighten in our friends and family.



© Layton Legacy Stake, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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