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Help Build Zion!

Legacy Stake

Help us prepare for the dedication of the Layton temple!

Our stake has set the following 2024 temple ordinance goals based on our current statistics of stake members.

2024 Goal

3,678 Baptisms & Confirmations

(Equal to amount of total stake membership)

1,752 Initiatories

(Equal to amount of total stake endowed members)

1,752 Endowments

(Equal to amount of total stake endowed members)

3,678 Children Sealed to Parents

(Equal to amount of total stake membership)

1,702 Sealed Spouses

(Equal to amount of total stake married members)

Help us reach these goals by the end of the year! Each time you attend the temple and perform an ordinance, record which and how many ordinances your performed here on the stake website. Wards can access their individual goal results as provided by their ward leaders. Here on the stake website we will post the overall stake numbers. The graph automatically updates as you record your work.

Visit our new page, "Build Zion" in the website menu and follow the simple instructions.



© Layton Legacy Stake, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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