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Elder Matthew Webster

Legacy Stake

One experience on my mission that I am particularly grateful for happened on a Sunday where the ward I was serving in was unexpectedly combined with another ward. This was the second time this had happened because their building’s ac was broken. That morning, my companion and I worked diligently to help all of our friends come to church, but it seemed that no one would be coming. 

As we greeted people to sacrament meeting, one of our friends we didn’t expect to come walked in. We were so excited and sat with him during sacrament meeting, which he thoroughly enjoyed. He had to leave for second hour and so we said goodbye and were visiting with other members when we noticed that a member that we didn't know from the other ward had stopped our friend and was visiting with him. 

Later, in Elders quorum, this same member shared how he, like everyone else, was frustrated with the ac issues, but he saw the Lord's hand in seeing an old friend at church (our friend!!). He shared how he had wondered why we had to combine again, but when he saw his old friend, he had not seen in years, he knew it was so he could share his testimony with him at his first week of church. He explained that this experience strengthened his testimony that he was doing what the Lord wanted him to do and his efforts to share the gospel were enough. There was a profound spirit in Elders quorum as he shared this miracle with us.

I have wondered since this experience who saw the Lord's hand the most from this experience: Our friend, the member, or my companion and I. Each of us saw the Lord's hand on that wonderful Sunday. I am beyond grateful for that member who heeded the spiritual prompting to bear testimony on an inconvenient Sunday. I have a testimony that the Lord can turn inconvenient situations to miraculous indications of His hand in our lives.

–Elder Webster

Kansas Wichita Mission



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