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Legacy Stake

An Experiment on the Word

I work in IT, I have a background in Mathematics and have always been a very logical learner. I relish clearly defined answers to any question or problem. Some may have been frustrated creating mathematical proofs in a high school geometry class, but I loved the exactness of indisputable truth. So, as a young man, when I found myself pondering deeply spiritual things I was a little frustrated that I felt like I couldn’t get that perfectly clear, undeniable answer. At that time I wasn’t sure I had ever felt the Holy Ghost confirming truth (though I later realized I most certainly had) and though gospel teachings made logical sense to me I became  increasingly frustrated with my search for a spiritual witness of my own.

I took these concerns to my bishop (who happened to be my father) and I remember clearly him assuring me that his testimony also had roots based on his logical study of the gospel. It gave me confidence to continue my efforts and I am eternally grateful that those efforts yielded a testimony in Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the restoration of the gospel, and so many other things that have beautifully impacted my life.

As I studied recently in Alma 32, I had some precious insights come to my mind related to my journey to obtain a testimony. In that beautiful chapter, Alma lays out for us the “experiment” that we can use to test a teaching, belief, or doctrine for ourselves so that ultimately, we can say if that thing is true or not. Alma compares this faith experiment, to determine if something is true or not, to the planting of a seed. This experiment starts with some specific details about how to determine if the seed you plant is true or not. As I read these verses I was reminded of my youthful efforts to gain a testimony.

The Prerequisites – The first thing I noted as I studied this chapter is that there are two profound prerequisites for this experiment to work.

1.      You must be humble and teachable, a seeker of truth, and to be hungry to really know (Alma 32:12-16)

2.      You must start with some hope that the thing you are going to experiment on is true. For this experiment to fully work you have a desire to believe. You must lean into it a little and for sure don’t dismiss it before you even start. It seems that Alma suggests that you even have hope that the thing you are going to experiment on is true (Alma 32:27).

For someone that is willing to do these prerequisites, they can then move on to the experiment itself!

The Experiment The “Seed Planting” phase of the experiment – As noted, in this experiment Alma compares a teaching or doctrine that one may want to experiment on to a “seed” (Alma 32:28). There are two steps in this phase of the experiment:

Give place for that seed and plant it in your heart – The first step is to plant the seed and to not cast it out. So, how do you “plant the seed”? This depends on what you are going to experiment with. Someone, for example, may experiment with the question, “Is Jesus the Christ? And should I follow him?” To plant that seed in your heart you may read about Him and learn of His teachings, identify some of His teachings and attempt to live by those principles, or maybe even repent and ask for forgiveness.

There are of course other seeds you can plant in your heart. Questions like “Is there a loving Heavenly Father and am I His child?”, “Is the Book of Mormon true?”, “Is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints the true church?”, and a host of other beautiful topics you may consider.

Watch for evidence that the seed grows – Gratefully I learned as a young man that there are multiple ways to see this evidence. Some are disappointed when they haven’t felt some big spiritual feeling, but Alma makes it clear that there are other ways to see evidence of the seed growing (Alma 32:28). The invitation is to watch for any of the following to “begin to…” happen.

1.      Swelling within your breast – A spiritual feeling that is sometimes difficult to describe. The scriptures compare it to a “burning in the bosom” (D&C 9:8), comfort (James 14:26) or the emotions of love, joy, peace, goodness, gentleness (Galatians 5:22).

2.      Enlarging your soul – Growing, getting better, improving. Are you better because of the things you are learning, thinking about, and applying in your life?

3.      Enlightening your understanding – Does it make sense? Is it logical? Does it resonate in your soul?

4.      Begins to be delicious to you – You find that the thing brings you happiness, joy, and comfort.

As a young man I didn’t understand these evidences. I thought the only one that mattered was a “swelling within my breast” and my frustration grew because I didn’t know how to recognize that feeling. I’m grateful for my bishop father who understood Alma 32 and helped me know that the roots of my testimony could also begin with other evidence including an enlightened mind. I am so grateful that I can testify that Heavenly Father, through the prophet Alma, has made it clear that there are varied and beautiful ways for each of us to know His truths. They are all meaningful and can each strengthen our faith. It is my prayer that as each of us will be willing to continually experiment on His word that we may know for ourselves that “the seed is good”. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

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